Cancellation and Refund

At Naturolled Tea, we want you to be fully satisfied with the purchases you make online through our website. If you wish to cancel your purchases or claim them for a refund or replacement for reasons eligible under our terms and conditions, please review our policies below for a smooth experience:

Order Cancellation:

Refund and Exchange: If you wish to place a refund or replacement of your purchases (for reasons eligible under our terms and conditions), kindly ensure that the products are in their original condition, unopened and unused, within 3 days of purchase. 

Return Policy: Like all food products sold online across all e-commerce platforms (individual websites, marketplaces, etc), tea is a perishable food item and is non-returnable. However, we want to make the tea purchase and drinking experience the best for you. If you are not happy or satisfied with our products, please contact us with our customer care options and we will be happy to help you and accommodate your requests.